
Archive for the ‘a little bit of ranting’ Category


Jena finally lost her tooth.  I’ll spare you the dramatic details but she is happy it’s gone and happy that her Aunt Teri can not longer call her Bucky.

Now if i could just get her to stop cutting her hair! It’s become a once a year tradition for her since she was 3.  Fortunatly it was very minimal this time around. Only about and inch of the bottom on a very small section near her face.  I told her she could cut it all she wanted but I wasn’t going to take her to the salon to get it fixed.  After 4 times I think that may have cured her because that is exactly what she wanted.

We’ll just have to wait and see….

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Did you know I hate going on field trips? I do. I loath it.

But I go and I fake it because they beg me to come.

So a few weeks ago I had got to go on 2 field trips in one week.  The first one started out with me getting a ticket. Uh Huh. Loath Field Trips!  Add to it the fact that I got stuck with the most obnoxious little girl on the planet and we were going to the Ogden Nature Reserve (aka-the most boring place on the planet) and you can guess how much fun I had.

Seriously though, in my defense 2 other parents whispered to me how they wanted to smack her. Yes, they used the word smack.  10 minutes into it and Jena asked me if we could just ditch her!

She was that bad, for 5 hours.

I cried on the way home.


Mostly because of the ticket and pregnancy hormones but that little girl did not make things better.

Jena with the Grasshopper she caught.


The second half was at a Fish Farm and that was much better.

Jena with her fish which she refused to touch.


Check out the fish.

It was pretty cool.



Picking a Gourd after the Corn Maze.



Ry’s field trip was to the zoo. Again, I’m not a big fan but I know I’m not the only one. Plus Field trip days there are usually so packed you can’t even see the animals.

I have to say that this was the most enjoyable field trip I have ever been on. I was assigned Ry and one other boy.


And there were hardly any kids there that day.

Double Sweet.



Ryan’s favorite part of the whole trip?


The mother elephant pooped and peed. And if you have never seen an elephant pee, you really should. It is…I don’t have words.

Add to that the baby elephant eating the mom’s poop.

It was a little boys dream come true! I mean seriously can you think of anything more entertaining at the zoo?

We had to go back 3 times just to see if the elephant would pee again.

I’d be lying if I said it didn’t totally fascinate me.


Ry thought he was pretty awesome for being as big as a Female Gorilla.


Can’t resist the water ball thingy and splashing the squealy girls.


The very anti-climactic train ride.

I’m not really sure what they were expecting.


Thus concludes our adventures in Field Tripping.

Barry is taking off work for the next round!

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Did you know there are 3 big things that happen to you when you turn 8?


1. You no longer have to ride in a car seat!


2. You get to be Baptized!


3. You loose the ability to take a serious picture!

And something happens to your dad too.


He realizes that you can almost escape his all powerful grip.

And that is downright frightening.


Wow, I really can’t believe this little boy is 8!

His part in the primary program next week goes like this…

The thing I remember most about my baptism is…

(I don’t think they realize what they did by letting him choose to fill in the blank.)

His current answer is…that my dad messed up and had to do it twice.

I’m trying to convince him otherwise, hey at least it will get a good laugh and isn’t that what the primary program is all about?


Oh Dear Lord, I can’t believe I’m including this picture.  You can’t see my swollen feet, they are a sight to behold.  Umm, yes I’m only 6 months, not 9.  That’s what happens when you have no waist to begin with. It all goes out.

Then then your face blows up too and your feet grow so none of your shoes fit and……


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Am I allowed to say I’m getting a little tired of football?

We go to practice every afternoon.  The girls have friends there so they love it.

Me? Well, I have other things to do. But for the good of the family, I go.

(Do you want to smack me yet?)

Here is Jena at last weeks game.


One braid turned into a head full of braids and yes it took way too long and yes there were tears involved. Hers and mine. And yes she was the one who wanted it, not me. And no I don’t plan to do it again any time soon.


You know, sometimes I wonder where this girl came from.  Tan, flawless skin, bleach blond hair, beautiful red lips, gorgeous blue eyes.  She’s gonna kill me when she starts Jr. High.  Who am I kidding, she’s killing me now!!!


Here is Sara when Barry’s mom tried to talk to her.  She recently dyed her hair brown and ever since then Sara will have nothing to do with her.  It’s sort of funny actually. If she even touches her Sara starts to cry.


It’s good to have a big sister to cheer you up.

Back to football.

This game had me a bit stressed.  Our boys didn’t play as well as usual and the thought of them loosing had me more than a little nervous for them.

They are tied with one other team for first. They are both undefeated.

I have been dreaming about football.

It’s ridiculous, but I can’t help it.


3 more weeks of football, I think I’ll make it.

oh, and Ryan’s having fun too. :)

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I have been attempting to finish this quilt for over a week now.

My original plan failed because I can not find the thread I used to applique the stars on.

I attempted an overall stipple and hated it so after about 4 squares I stopped and unpicked it.

I attempted to machine quilt stars all over and basically I sucked at it…so I unpicked it again.


Did you know that you can quilt a 12″x12″ area in about 4-5 minutes and it takes you about an hour to unpick it?

I don’t suggest testing this. Twice. Just trust me.

I think I have decided to hand quilt it.  But then again that may change!

Here is my little helper, who must be on top of some portion of my quilt at all times.

It’s very helpful.


I currently have an two dressers full of fabric.  One of them is going to have to be used for baby number 4.  Which means I’m going to have to start cleaning up this mess.

I haven’t finished that either. I usually just open the door, look inside, groan and close the door again.  And for some reason that isn’t helping. Hmmm?


My other project last week.

Welcome to Peach Headquarters.


My mother apparently lost her mind a few months ago and ordered 5 bushels of peaches. For those of you who don’t know that’s about 13 boxes.

I kept asking her what she was going to do with them and she just gave me this look, you know the one your mom gives you when you should just shut up and do what your told. No matter that you might have a point or be right.

So I just shut up and did what I was told. :)

After 2 days of canning we had 150 quarts of peaches.

I don’t really want to eat peaches for a while.


Here is my other problem, not that I’m complaining, because I never complain.

My food storage room in the basement is packed! I just cleared off every last inch of space to fit all of my salsa so I had to find a new place for peaches.  Our back closet had to be cleaned out (which it totally needed) and now I have 2 shelves full of peaches.


Don’t you love the new Silver lids?

It’s silly, I know but they look so much better than the old gold ones.  My mom actually commented to me that she wondered why they had changed them.  I personally think it’s a younger generation thing.  Canning has become pretty popular/trendy with my generation and I’ll bet there are more than a few of you who would rather have the silver than the gold. Am I right?

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This is what happens when you get home from your morning jog and notice your yard is full of weeds.

So you start weeding them and to keep the two year old occupied you turn on some High School Musical Tunes and hand her the iphone.

She sits perfectly content in the grass singing away at the top of her lungs.

Not that she’s singing the words but that doesn’t matter.

About 20 minutes later you hear…

‘Look Mommy, I clean!’



Dumb. Dumb. Dumb Mother.

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Do you see that?

No not my ugly 80’s blue carpet.

The board.

The broken board on Ryan’s bed.

This is an example of what happens when your children decide it is a fantastic idea to pile all the pillows in the house on top of the bed and then jump as high as they can and land on the bed.

Those would be the same pillows that the apparently ineffective mother just told the kids to stop piling at the bottom of the stairs and jumping onto.

Next to a cement foundation wall.

Not that the mother has ever experienced a huge black eye from the same behavior about…ummmm…a few…plus a lot….of  years back.


This is when the mother is thinking, Ha! Ha! A chance to teach them a lesson! I’ll make him go to the store with his Dad and buy a new board with his own, not so hard earned, money!

That’ll Teach Him!

The fantastic plan is then relayed to the Father.

The mother thinks the father get’s the point.


She is wrong.

Why teach him a lesson when we have a perfectly fine piece of wood right here in the garage?

The child now thinks this is great fun!

Ya Hoo! A fun tool project with Dad!


Me-I thought we were going to teach him a lesson by making him buy a new board?

Barry-Oh, he knows. This is just fine.

Me-Accept now we have a Ghetto bed that I used to paint the hinges for our kitchen cabinets.

Barry-It is not Ghetto. It works perfectly fine. I grew up with so much worse…blah, blah….blah….something about his childhood…blah…blah…something about me being spoiled…blah…blah…

I will be replacing that board with a new one.

Oh, yes I will.

And I’ll do it all by my darn self!

Spoiled my hide!

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Remember when I used to blog every day? Sometimes twice a day?

Yah, me too.

That was back when I had only 2 children, then 3 but Sara slept a lot.

Now? Now if I even set foot near the computer my 3rd child does the first naughty thing she can think of and the second and third and on and on.  The terrible two’s are in full force at our house.  I actually perfer to call it the Jekyl and Hyde phase because one minute she is a cute and sweet as can be and the next I’m wondering who is this screaming, hitting, rolling all over the kitchen floor child?  Good times!

As far as what we’ve been up to, honestly, not much.  This has been one of our more low key, hang out at home summers.  Add to that the back pain I’ve been having the past few weeks and I have accomplished exactly nothing in weeks.  I’ve never been so lucky to have any kind of extended back pain until now.  I discovered our mattress kept slipping from our bedframe and thought that might be the cause of my problems.

So hoping to fix the situation, we went from this-


To this-


Little sister thinks it’s pretty awesome that she can now climb into bed with mom and dad so easily.  Plus she now has an indoor trampoline!  Is it any wonder my back hurts? :)

I’m sad to say, this did not solve the problem.  It has progressively gotten worse.  I’ve been to the Chiropractor and left feeling like he wasn’t going to help me.  Just one of those hunches.  I actually don’t have much muscle pain, it seems to be my ribs across my back.  Breathing deeply is very painful.  I’m off to see a Doctor, that was recommended by a friend with a lot of back problems, this afternoon and I have high hopes.

And for those of you who haven’t heard, which means you must not be in my family because if Grandpa knows therefore Everyone knows,  we are going to have another baby in our family.


Yep, you read that right, Feb 1st is the date.  I’ve been saying for 2 years that I was 99% sure I was done. And I have always said I would not have baby’s after 30.  Having Sara at 28 was a totally different experience than Ryan at 22 and Jena at 24.  Now I will be 31 when this one is born!  Ugh!  Having baby number 4 has been an experience in Faith for me.  Not an accident but definitely a surprise.  Both Barry and I feel it will be a Boy and I haven’t been wrong with one of my kids yet.

Ryan is very excited, although if it’s a girl I think he might cry. But then again, so will his mother. :)  Jena is excited one day and the next asking me “why do we have to have another baby?”  Sort of funny.  Sara, well Sara is too busy being 2 to know anything is different.

Someone suggested to me that perhaps the back pain is pregnancy related  and to them I say…That is Not Funny.  See the Lord and I have a little understanding, I will have babies if I do not have morning sickness, bed rest, extended pain or complications.

Why?  Because I’m a whimp.

Whimp with a capitol W.

I do pain killers, I do epidurals, I do NOT throw up, I cry for my mom when I’m sick.

Yes, still.

I make her come take care of me when I’m sick.

And she does.

Because she’s awesome like that.

And because I’m a WHIMP!

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If you ever wanted to know, because I know you all do, this is pretty much what we do all summer long.

Softball, Swimming, BBQ…repeat.

IMG_5717I was worried Sara wouldn’t go by herself.

IMG_5719Yea, right! No Fear.

IMG_5734 Which is why the life jacket stayed on the whole day!

IMG_5725 Mmmm, cheeto break.

IMG_5740Syd and Jena

I love that Jena wants her life jacket on 95% of the time.

IMG_5745 Ry, Sara and Chris

If you take away the fact that our local pool is horrendously overcrowded and the fact that half the women there fail to realize their bikini’s don’t actually cover their fake boobs and the fact that there are no men there to show them too anyway (over 10 anyway) or the fact that they just simply should not be in a bikini….Ever, we had a great time! :)

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When we moved to this house we  were happy about several things.

  1. The close proximity to Barry’s family and work.
  2. No more 1 hour (each way) drives to play softball twice a week all summer and fall or every day to work and back.
  3. A house we could afford, in a nice area and that is was more than 2 sq ft.
  4. Good Schools.
  5. And I’m sure my parents were much happier than they let on to get us the heck out of their house! :)

I was also hesitant about several things-

  1. Moving more than 20 minutes away from my parents. Total mama’s girl, I admit it.
  2. Moving out of South Davis County.
  3. Leaving Really good schools.
  4. Living basically in O-town, which I swore I would never do!
  5. Being an hour from 90% of my close friends. I don’t make friends easily. I’m aloof. I’m sort of a loner. Girls scare me. I have issues, what can I say.

Fast Forward 7 months-

  1. I thought I was over being away from my friends but seriously Melissa, I’m dieing without you!  Chris please get a job up here!!! Pronto.
  2. Going to my moms house only once a week, if that, is not enough. I HEART my mom.
  3. School has been OK after a rough start. But wouldn’t you know it my kids have to change schools again next year because of boundry changes! Uhg.
  4. 99% of stores are in O-Town. HATE O-Town! And they are all so far apart!
  5. I really miss Davis County. The set up of the cities. The Recreation available to the kids. My friends. The fact that I know more than 3 people.  I like going to the store, the park, church, school….and knowing people.
  6. 7 Months of going to church and you’d think you’d know some people. Hmmm, nope. (I’m not complain that people are not nice and blah, blah, blah. There’s just not anyone I’ve clicked with. You know?)

OK, now I’m whining.  But really, I don’t feel…’settled'(?) here.   Not sure what brought this on…Yes I’m am, it  was the fact that I had to go to Target, Walmart and Albertson’s today and it took me 4 hours because I had to drive all over the stinking valley just to do it!   Target is 25 minutes away.  That’s just not right.

It’s because my kids want to do soccer, baseball, dance and I’ll be danged if I can find local recreation for them.

It’s because I really liked my last 2 wards in Centerville and not so much here. And I don’t care what people say about going to church for church, it makes a difference if you like/know some people.

It’s because the girl who cuts my hair is 45 minutes away.

It’s because the mall up here sucks.

It’s because the closest Gap is an hour away.

It’s because today I feel like being a whiner and Melissa isn’t around to whine too!

Ok, I’m done now.

****Just one more****

It’s because my neighbor 3 houses up is a complete phsycopath and comes to my house about every 2 weeks to complain about my kids. Seriously, I’m thinking about a restraining order!

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