
Archive for October, 2008

i totally forgot

i forgot about all the picture i have taken on my phone lately. not the highest quality but i think they’re worth it.

first of all, have you all seen those little carts at the grocery stores? I think they are adorable but with my kids they generally turn into race carts or bumper carts or carts of death!  miraculously Jen and Sara actually used one to help shop the other day and it was so cute i had to snap a picture.

you can’t tell me that the hand holding isn’t adorable!

now the rest are in a slide show here.

first is our adventure on the Front Runner Train to downtown to see High School Musical 3 with Granny and Teri.  i’m just going to say that it will be a long time before i take my kids on the train again. (i know i’ve said that before, but i really learned my lesson this time)  as far as the movie goes, it was actually really cute and enjoyable which is more than i have to say for the disney channel on tv which i have blocked my children from watching.

next, Teri took me to Gap to buy me some jeans for my birthday and Jena had an impromptu fashion show.  the girl can really put on a show.  next thing we know Sara is groping a naked male manican with her little hands cupping the goods and she is shouting to all of us ‘bum, bum!’  it was pretty hilarious! then she had to hug him before we left.

last up is Ry’s class trip to the firestation. and all i have to say about that is that firefighters as SO full of themselves!

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have i ever told you how much i love the fall? i do, i just love it.  the colors, the cool jacket/cuddling weather, the sense of family and closeness.  i also really like halloween. (which you probably figured out if you were around last year when i went crazy making the boys their Jedi costumes.)  this year halloween has taken a back seat to the kitchen remodel and that has made me a little sad.  so i forced us to take a break this week to carve some pumpkins and make some Carmel apples.  Jena and i will also be glittering her ‘baby’ pumpkins tomorrow so i’ll have to share those then.

here are the kiddo’s pumpkins-

Ry and I carvin’ it up.

i had to share this one of Sara.  isn’t that the greatest face?

she was not happy that we would not let here hold a carving tool and poke the pumpkins. so i finally let her have the little tool that makes dots for the stencil and she poked the life out of the top of one of the pumpkins.  anytime you came near her she would try to hide the tool and top, give you this look and growl.  she was not pleased that we all found this very entertaining either!

Ry’s is a skull and cross bones and Jen’s is a ‘cute’ vampire girl.

not a great pictures but they are fun all lit up.

and now the carmel apples…

layer one-the carmel…mmmm.

and if you look closely you can see my drawer below with the distressing on it.  once it was painted i could hardly bring myself to distress it even though that was what i wanted, so i had to make Nat do it for me.  they are looking so good. (just ignore my lovely unfinished back-splash wall.)

and the finished product.

Jena did the chocolate one in the back and said it wasn’t very good.  the boys did the green mint ones and Ry ate it but it i’m not so big on mint. mine is front and center…soo good!  have you ever been to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and had the ‘apple pie’ carmel apple? it is heaven on a stick! i tried to copy it and i did pretty good.  carmel, white chocolate, cinnamon and sugar and chocolate swirls.  it didn’t last long considering Jena and Barry ‘shared’. :)

one more thing-

this is my unfinished kitchen, but i want you to look at the ceiling.

see those lights?  what the….?

i’d like to ask the former owner what in the heck possessed them to put those lights in the kitchen!  i  have to deal with them until i can convince one of the many electricians in my family to come put can lights in for me.  my backsplash is currently waiting to be installed because the under cabinet lights are waiting for one of those electricians to show up.

i’m cheap, i don’t pay people.

unless lunch and pepsi count. :)

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Proposition 8

a first hand look at how legalizing same sex marraige effects all of us. i find it very disturbing that this is beginning to be pushed all over our country and pray that we all have the sense to take a stand to it.

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if you know much about big sister than you know that she loves to have her picture taken and poses as if she was in a non-stop action photo shoot.  she had to make her own paper bag monster for homework and when we were done i got the camera to take a picture of her cute monster.

here are a few-

don’t ask me why, but she wanted to take the pictures on the garage floor!

when i downloaded my camera i found these pictures-

apparently her monster wanted to have a photo shoot too.

i love this girl and even all the drama she creates.

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a few things about little sister that make us smile.

her new favorite word is MINE!

she wants to watch Annie all day long, wanders around saying ‘Annie’ over and over and loves to sing along with the movie.

she pushes her baby stroller everywhere.

she loves her cousin’s dog Molly even when Molly covers her in kisses.

she is a shoe diva.

she loves to give kisses and puckers her lips like a fish.

she loves to see her baby cousin Katie.

she misses having breakfast every morning with her grandpa and still wakes up asking for him and num nums.

she points out everyone and everything’s bum. dolls, people, animals, random people in the grocery store.

she says ‘Hi’ to everyone and won’t stop until they respond to her.

here she is pushing baby Katie in her doll stroller and she keeps trying to get Ashley to put her back in.

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the kids went back to school today. i thought all was well planned out and then i stayed up too late and the girls decided that 5:45 am was a perfect time to get up and play.

somehow while searching for my happy morning face i could only find my ‘angry eyes’ and our well planned morning didn’t go so well.

the kids now have to ride the bus to school and that is totally different from sending the kids across the street 2 minutes before the bell rings. ahh, those were the days.

we were told the bus would stop on our corner at 8:20 am only to have it arrive at 8:10 am.  before i could stop him, ryan was out the door  without breakfast and running for the bus.  he is a little excited about the whole bus thing. he made it on but that put a little hitch in the plan for me to follow the bus and help him find his class.  i quickly sent jena to the car and grabbed sara with toast in hand and a sippy cup full chocolate milk and ran for the car myself.  needless to say we lost the bus along with ryan and spent the next 15 minutes searching for him on the playground at the school.  we finally found him amongst 5 little girls in his new class who were chatting his ear off.  after locating his classroom, meeting his teacher and finding 2 more little boys from his class he quietly informed me that i could go home now. :)  at least he wasn’t nervous any more.

i then spent the next 3 hours with jena asking me when she could go to school.  when we registered her for school they told us that they divided kindergarten classes by neighborhoods since this school has boundaries about 3 miles wide.  they also said that if i put her in morning than there would be no bus to bring her home and that the morning classes were too full anyway.  so afternoon it was.  until this morning when i wanted to pull my hair out and offer to pay the teacher extra just to take her all day.

finally the time comes to go wait for the bus, which we were told they didn’t know for sure what time it would come by so  just stand out there from about 11:50-12:20. umm, ok. so we did and guess what?  no bus ever came. nice. so i drove her to school and went into the office to get the scoop. the secretary (who was quickly becoming one of my not so favorite people for her ‘do i actually have to speak to parents’ attitude) then informs me that there are actually not any kids in our neighborhood who have afternoon kindergarten so they will have to request the bus make a special stop for her. umm, wait, isn’t that why you made me put her in afternoon in the first place?

this is the point when i said, ‘you know mornings would actually work a lot better for us. is it possible to change her to mornings?’ and then i got that irritated ‘i have better things to do’ kind of look. ‘well, she says, i’ll have to see if the principle is available and has the time to rearrange the classes.’ i think she thought i would say ‘oh, never mind, don’t bother’ instead i just stood there and gave her my ‘yep you just go ahead and do that’ face.

i just have to add something here-in my children’s old school, every time i had a question or concern the principle came right out and spoke with me and was very nice and never seemed put out. this could be due to the fact that she had frequent one on one visits with ryan in kindergarten but i actually think she considers it part of her job to speak to parents.

so there i sat waiting for ‘the great and wonderful oz’, i mean principle, to consider my request, when the secretary finally emerges from ‘his chambers’ and she says something like ‘we are actually going to move her to a morning class so she can ride the bus with her brother and because there are far less students in the morning classes and because most of the children in your neighborhood are in the morning classes as well. as long as that all works for you that is.’  i think i might have stood and stared at her with a bit of a ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ look on my face.  and being that i am so agreeable i think i said something full of kindness and with a smile on my face like ‘that’s great.’ because apparently this was all her idea from the beginning and i am the one who messed it up royally.

then she tells me i should just keep jena home today and start her in the morning.  that would have been fine except that jena started to cry when she heard this because she wanted to go to school so bad.  so i promptly ignored the lovely secretary and took jena to class. i explained everything to the teacher who said she wasn’t sure why they put her in afternoon in the first place, and she had no problem with jena staying for the afternoon today.

i have drug this out way to long, that is what i do when i’m tired and when i encounter people who are idiots.

last of the story is that ryan got on the wrong bus on the way home and jena was in a panic because ryan was not on the bus so she thought she must be on the wrong bus. i got a phone call from the school explaining that both buses would bring my children right to my house and that they would make sure this did not happen again.  i wasn’t all that concerned actually because i knew that ryan was thinking it was awesome that he got an extra long bus ride.  jena was perfectly fine after the bus driver let her call me with her cell phone and they both made it home safe and sound.

did i mention that on ryan’s last day at his old school he got into a little playground brawl with the neighbor boy down the street?  nothing serious really, they are actually friends, though they do tend to find mischief together. needless to say i got a farewell phone call from the principal of that school. i think she said something like she was required to call me but it was actually not a big deal because the boys had worked it out themselves by the time the teacher discovered it.  but still, we didn’t really need that on his last day or this on the first.

here’s to tomorrow going much smoother and me having more patience for idiots.

did i mention that sara took off with my car keys this afternoon and we can not find them anywhere! i don’t even have a spare key because, well i accidently dropped them in the garbage can last year right before the truck came and dumped it.

i hope we make the bus in the morning or else we will be walking 2 miles to school.

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on my mind

i should be sanding cabinets.

so glad the mister is finally home for a few days!

can’t wait to eat triple chocolate cheesecake tonight.

my eyeballs are burning from lack of sleep.

my website is supposed to be done by now

so excited for my sister.

wondering what’s up with my brother and his girl (friend)

can’t wait for the kidos to go back to school.

no looking forward to going to our new ward on sunday.

i should really try harder to be more social and neighborly.

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i thought i’d share the progress on our kitchen so far.  also the kids rooms have been painted but not much else so i threw those in too.  go over to my picasa abulms to find all the pictures here.  i wish the pictures looked as good as the cabinets do in real life. i adore them! everyone seems to think black cabinets are crazy until they seem them.

hopefully today the sink, dishwasher and countertop will be completed. Then we have to put up the beadboard backsplash which will be painted the same cream as the walls. I haven’t even started sanding the cabinet doors yet. I will do that once the kids go back to school next monday and sara is napping.  a lot of the details will be finished up next week when the mister is finally off work. he has worked 90+ hours in the past 7 days!

speaking of sara, the poor girl has had a few rough nights. i knew she woke in the night because she has been in our room, but she always goes back to sleep on her own. since the move she has been waking in a bit of a panick trying to figure out where she is.  it gets better each night and luckily jena sleeps right though it. however, sara does love seeing ‘Nanny’ each day, (Natalie)  and Nat’s ‘puppy’ Molly!

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like, wow.

i thought i would sit down and catch up on my blog addiction but when my google reader said 159 new posts and the clock said 12:30 am i got a little overwhelmed. so forgive me for not keeping up on y’alls wonderful blogs!  but while i was away i was bestowed an award!

i have had several people tell me that i always have funny posts on my blog. i have never really thought of myself as a funny person and half the time i think i’m just entertaining myself on this here blog but i’m glad other people enjoy it to.

so thanks Mindy for the fun recognition! i will share the love but it will have to be at not such a late hour!

speaking of the time, (1 am) i was going to share some pictures of the progress on our house but i am too darn tired and i was just told by text message from Natalie and the mister to get my rear in bed! and since i am nothing but mindful and rule following and have always been so since birth, i am off to bed! (i just have to add a big N O T in here, wait does that date me? like, i sooo like, grew up in like, the early ’90’s!)

and that reminds me of something else… i am officially 3 0 today. i’m so making myself a cheesecake in the morning.

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my sister came across the Paul Cardall’s Blog today.  for those of you who do not know him, he is a fabulous pianist/composer.  i have enjoyed his music for years.  i love the peace that his music brings.  i also enjoy the way he rearranges classic hymns so that you feel like you are hearing them again for the first time.  he has a new cd out titled ‘Living For Eden’ and it is so great!  one of the singles is titled ‘Grateful’ and it was just so fitting for how i am feeling today.  as tired and onery and stressed and busy as i’ve been the last few weeks i’ve found myself feeling overwhelmingly grateful for all that the Lord has blessed me with in my life. i attended my niece, Katie’s, baby blessing today and as i sat in the chapel trying to keep Sara quiet i was amazed at how i was overcome with gratitude for my family, immediate and extended.  both Barry and i have such amazing and wonderful families, we are truely blessed.

today also happens to be Barry and I’s 8 year anniversary. happy anniversary to me! :) i think you can guess we don’t have big celebratory plans with all that is going on at the moment but it is also my 30th birthday on thursday and i plan to make a night of it next weekend.  i know we will be going to Ruth’s Chris for dinner but we haven’t decided what else to do yet.  any great suggestions? we tend to be a little bit boring, which we are totally ok with but every once in a while you gotta let your hair down. right?

here is the video to ‘Grateful’ by Paul Cardall.  this is actually him and his daughter, who happens to be named Eden.

on a side note-Paul happens to be on a waiting list for a heart transplant which you can read more about on his site.  it is very humbling to find that those people whom we may assume ‘have it all’ actually have everyday, human struggles just like us.

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